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Car insurance: Take out your car insurance in Spain

Car insurance: Take out your car insurance in Spain Is car insurance compulsory in Spain? In Spain, the only compulsory insurance that exists is third party liability insurance, which is compulsory for any vehicle registered to the DGT (General Directorate of Traffic). Why take out car insurance? Taking out civil liability insurance will enable...

Funeral insurance: all you need to know in 4 questions

Funeral insurance: all you need to know in 4 questions What is the difference between life insurance and funeral insurance? The main difference between the two is that the funeral insurance covers the costs of the insured person's funeral and all the administrative procedures that this entails. Life insurance provides financial compensation to...

Exclusive offers from INOV!

Insurance Offers in Spain: Exclusive offers from Inov Expat! If you want to find the best insurance offers in Spain... You are at the right place! These offers change continuously so do not hesitate to visit our page from time to time. You can request quotes directly or call us at...