
Community Insurance in Spain: All you need to know in 6 questions

Community Insurance in Spain: All you need to know in 6 questions Communities of property owners and building is exposed every day to multiple risks which require the availability of urgent and necessary services to face them. It is therefore important to take out insurance, called in Spanish “seguro de comunidad”...

Contractors All Risks construction insurance: What does it cover?

Contractors All Risks construction insurance: What does it cover? Why take out Contractors All Risks construction insurance (CAR)? The purpose of All Risks construction insurance (CAR) is to cover material damage occurring on the construction project (example: fire, landslide, incorrect operation of a machine, etc.) The policyholder is generally the promoter, the main...

Construction insurance in Spain: how to choose the right one?

Construction insurance in Spain: How to choose the right one? Julia Jannin, Managing Director at Inov Expat, helps us to better understand how insurance that protects construction in Spain works. CONSTRUCTION ALL RISK INSURANCE QUOTE Three legal obligations In Spain, the construction sector is regulated by the LOE (Ley de ordenación de la Edificación)...

Car insurance: Take out your car insurance in Spain

Car insurance: Take out your car insurance in Spain Is car insurance compulsory in Spain? In Spain, the only compulsory insurance that exists is third party liability insurance, which is compulsory for any vehicle registered to the DGT (General Directorate of Traffic). CAR INSURANCE QUOTE Why take out car insurance? Taking out civil liability insurance...

Company Civil Liability Insurance: all you need to know in 3 questions!

Company Civil Liability Insurance: all you need to know in 3 questions! As a professional, you can cause damage and injury to third parties and it is important to take out liability insurance that is adapted to the specific risks of the company. CIVIL LIABILITY INSURANCE QUOTE Why take out Civil Liability insurance? By...

Differences between Business Liability and Professional Liability

Differences between Business Liability and Professional Liability Business Civil Liability insurance or also called General Civil Liability covers damage caused in the course of the company's activity. Business liability and professional liability seem quite similar, but they are different concepts. Insurance that includes professional liability cover mainly covers economic damage resulting from...

Everything you need to know about Professional Liability Insurance

Everything you need to know about Professional Liability Insurance No one is exempt from making a mistake or neglecting a detail, which is why it is essential for a company to have Professional Civil Liability insurance adapted to its activity. PROFESSIONAL CIVIL LIABILITY INSURANCE QUOTE What does professional liability insurance cover? It covers liability...